WizKid Brown Diamond Mat

WizKid Brown Diamond Mat

WizKid Brown Diamond Mat

Stops odors, prevents puddles and saves time. The fibers are designed to not hold liquid but to suspend it. That means it will air dry quickly. The backing really keeps it in place. The backing grips the floor and doesn't slide around.

Both urine and leaking water can cause slippery surfaces and foul odors. Urine can often, in time, cause tile floors to erode, theses restroom mats have an anti-microbial agent that helps prevent any damage from occurring. As the fibers get wet the anti-microbial is released and the odor stops from starting. Even though this floor mat absorbs and breaks down the urine, the surface of the mat remains dry.

6644-CS WizKid Brown Diamond Mat

6644-EA WizKid Brown Diamond Mat